The Biblical Revelation of the Cross – Online Edition

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First published by Oak Wood Publishing House and printed by Antony Rowe Ltd in 2006, ISBN 0-9551029-0-1.
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If this is your first time to visit, take a few moments to browse through the contents of this book by clicking on the image. – Then make time to read it! Thank you for coming.
(Click on the image to begin.)
“Our view of God, as Christians, is coloured by our understanding of the crucifixion. It matters profoundly to us personally and corporately that we come to a better understanding.”
“Jesus was the sacrifice of righteousness, of whom we are the beneficiaries as His followers. We are justly declared righteous – not because of ourselves, but because of the One who gave His life for us – to whom we look in faith.”
“The Lord Jesus suffered unjustly at the hands of man and was condemned by sinners, not God (Acts 8:33; Acts 5:30). His death fulfilled not the penalty of God for sin, but the completion of all righteousness, whereby He offered up the perfect sacrifice for all who trust in Him through faith.”
“Although man is allowed to die in consequence of sin, the first death is not God’s punishment for sin, for we read: ‘…it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment’ (Heb.9:27, NKJ). Jesus was indeed offered ‘to bear the sins of many’ (v28), but in what manner and for what purpose did He choose to bear our sins?”
To God be the glory.
Norman McIlwain
A share in ministry
In publishing this book in print and online, I have wished to follow the instruction: ‘Freely you have received, freely give’ (Mt.10v8). To those who have made private requests, the book has been sent without any charge to the recipients and has been distributed not only within the UK but also to persons requesting the book in other countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The printed version is important – if not essential – to dissemination, as not everyone has access to a computer or has the inclination to read the whole of a book online.
The online edition of the book is made available with added notes and ‘’ will continue to offer this and other publications.
Having freely received, some have felt the desire to also freely give and to contribute towards costs.
It would be wrong of me to deny others this opportunity – as, in effect, this is also one way of allowing others to share in this ministry and to promote the Gospel. For these reasons, anyone who wants to make a financial contribution can now do so online (see below).
Sincere thanks is given for any donation, in Jesus’ name.
God bless you!
Norman McIlwain
22nd December, 2008
“May God direct you in your efforts and bless you as fellow-servants in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. May ‘The Biblical Revelation of the Cross’ bless your understanding and discipleship in Christ. Amen.”
The Biblical Revelation of the Cross: First published by Oak Wood Publishing House and printed by Antony Rowe Ltd in 2006, ISBN 0-9551029-0-1.
One Response to “Welcome to!”
1.Norman McIlwain on April 2nd, 2010 8:00 pm
Hi, please feel free to leave comments; or if you would prefer to communicate privately by email, just let me know.
Thank you.
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